  • The San Paolo Tower

    The San Paolo Tower

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The San Paolo Tower

The San Paolo Tower was built on the South-west corner of the Castle as the stronghold to the building's main entrance.

The tower points towards the site upon which the church of San Giuliano was re-built (visible from the windows). The little church was demolished in 1385 to allow the construction of the new building, and for this reason the tower is now sometimes referred to as the tower of San Giuliano.
Both this tower and that of Santa Caterina on the North-west corner were severely damaged by an earthquake in 1570 to the extent that the roof section, once made of brick, had to be replaced with a lighter, wooden structure.
The room on the "noble" floor has lost every semblance to the Renaissance style but still modestly remains one of the most decorated rooms in the Castle in a relatively graceful, if not stylistically coherent, way.
The wall designs in tempera are dedicated to images of Diana and other divinities whereas on the ceiling, between large sections supporting light architectural structures, the four seasons are illustrated in small panels.

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